The following is an article (perhaps a paid advertisement?) which appeared in The Salford Reporter in April 1898, provided by the staff of the Salford Local History Library, Peel Park, Salford, M5 4WU, which is operated by Salford City Council ( The photocopy I have is of very poor quality, so rather than displaying an illegible image I have here transcribed it.
James Hymas
March 2004

A Salford Modern Bakery

The most improved sanitary conditions in breadmaking are important factors in our domestic lives and Messrs. W. Handley and Son, of the Steam Bakery, George-street Salford have reached a point of excellence in production in this department which entitles them to more than a passing notice. Last November witnessed the opening of their new premises in George-street, following an event of considerable private interest, not only as affecting a member of the family, but which afforded food for congratulation from a wide circle of friends. The building itself is exceedingly well arranged and adapted for the business now carried on by the firm. A number of cottages were demolished and on the site was erected a substantial and compact blaock, including grocer's shop, adjoining bakehouse with mixing room above and below commodious cellars, dry and well lighted, suitable for storage purposes. There is a complete installation of electric light, the current being supplied by the Corporation; in fact, to draw a comparison between the bakehouse of the present day, such as the one under notice, and one of a few years ago, or even with some still in existence would be a task reflecting little credit upon a system which the sooner it is committed to the limbo of obscurity the better. The go-ahead baker believes in the most efficient appliances, the least handling of the material itself, and the best of materials in the production he offers his customers and a half-hour spent in George-street Steam Bakery speedily convinces the visitor that all these conditions are rigidly adhered to by Messrs. Handley and Son. The result of their enterprise and good workmanship is a loaf baked and browned to perfection and presenting a particularly appetizing appearance. One can soon pass through the mixing-room, see the dough carefully manipulated and shot down to the floor below into large troughs waiting to receive it. Thence it is passed on to the staff of bakers and deftly weighed and dropped into the tins ready for its reception. Next comes the final stage of baking which is probably the most interesting of all. The two ovens then become the centre of attraction and they well repay a close inspection. They have been supplied by Messrs. Werner, Pfleidered and Perkins of Victoria Buildings and are known as the patent "Telescocar" (? - ed) draw-plate steam-pipe ovens, now so largely used by leading firms in the principal towns and cities of the United Kingdom. After an experience of 30 years Mr. Handley, senior, freely confesses that he never met their equal, no matter from whatever point of view they are considered. Under the old conditions it took 12 hours to bake the same quantity of bread now done in eight hours, although their former ovens were of much greater capacity and what is of far greater importance an article of much better quality is produced. The time comes for the baking plate to be drawn out and that is easily done, the huge shelf of iron, capable of holding 200 2lb loaves being run out its entire length. To the expert a glance is sufficient: he at once sees that everything is right, but the uninitiated are more curious and whilst one lot is being quickly removed another batch is ready for the next operation. Sufficient time is, however, allowed for a brief inspection and with the help of a friendly mentor, the advantages of this particular oven are soon understood and appreciated. In the interior are are layers of steam pipes both at the top and bottom of the oven which ensures perfect uniformity of heat throughout. The only heat transmitted into the oven is by means of these steam pipes. There are no projecting rails into the bakery and when the baking plate is filled it is run back into the oven and the space it occupied for the operations of emptying and refilling is free for the ordinary bake-house work. The furnaces for heating the steam-pipes are at the rear of the the ovens, practically outside the bake-house. Between the furnace and the oven there is a packing of asbestos and other material which absolutely prevents any contact between the two. The firm rightly claim for their patent that it not only secures a great saving of time and labour, but that it has proved its superiority over all other appliances which find a place in a modern bake-house and Mr. Handley, sen., is quite ready to endorse that opinion. One of the ovens now in use at the George-street Bakery gave practicl demonstrations of its utility at the Bakers' and Confectioners' Exhibition held in Manchester last October and there it attracted a good deal of attention at the hands of the trade. An ordinary day's baking consists of 12 sacks of flour, representing 2,400 2lb loaves, and that is all worked off by noon each day, but on Saturdays the quantity is increased to 20 sacks and 12 hours are sufficient for its manipulation. In a modern bake-house there is much to be seen that is interesting and instructive, and the increasing business done by Messrs. Handley is sufficient evidence of the confidence of the public in the quality of the article they are no producing. Their oven arrangements are all that can be desired and they possess appliances which do infinite credit to their commercial enterprise, and to the firm by whom those appliances have been supplied. It should be added that complete ventilation is secured by an air shaft and every arrangement carried into effect which can conduce to perfect cleanliness and efficient work. Messrs. Handley work on the old fashioned lines and are free from the cares and responsibilities of horse flesh and vehicles. They have built up an extensive counter trade at their establishments in Balford and Frampton-street, Pendleton. At their large showrooms in Victoria Buildings, Manchester, Messrs. Werner, Pfleiderer and Perkins have on hand a large assortment of machinery interesting to confectioners and bakers generally, and there the machines can be seen in motion. -30-